Food & Drinks On The Go

Food & Drinks On The Go

Here at Maria's our food and drink is not always incredibly good tatsing but it is convinently available as take away items.

All our products are served in 100% compostable packaging helping to keep our planet greener. Even the lids to our cups are compostable.

We pride ourselves in only serving the best. So if something doesn't look good enough or smell good enough its going back to the kitchen! 

Our 'main meal' options, such as curry and pasta, is cooked with fresh ingredients and just before opening hours ensuring the food will be fresh and tasty when you order it. 

All other food and drink options are still made with the freshest ingredients however we can make everything else infront of you so there is no need to pre cook snything else. 

We do onot usee frozen food. We do not freeze our food and we will not use any ingredients that dont look fresh.